Runner beans, like peas, are far tastier when they are grown in the garden compared to those you buy in the shops. They are easy to grow and produce great crops.

Step 1: Sowing Runner Beans

Runner beans do best in an open, sunny position. They will grow in quite poor soil but do best in a soil that has been well manured during the previous autumn.

Runner beans are usually sown April to June . Great varieties to try include ‘Scarlet Emperor’, a great favourite, ‘Hestia’, perfect for growing on the patio and ‘Galaxy’, which sets beans readily.

Step 2:


The ground needs to be prepared by adding Gro-Sure Farmyard Manure. Garden Lime should also be used if the soil is acidic and Growmore raked in. Sow in drills 9 inches apart and 2 inches deep. Leave space for supports between drills.

Step 3:


Keep on top of weeds by hoeing and water regularly once the first pods have formed. Harvest once the pods reach 6-8 inches long continue to harvest daily to ensure continued production.

Don’t allow pods to mature on the plant as this will make the plant stop flowering. In dry spells the flowers may drop so keep plants well watered.

Once the plants are finished with dig the bases of the stems and roots back into the soil to act as a green manure.

Pests and Diseases

Young plants will need protection from slugs, try using Eraza Slug & Snail Killer.
