Grown as hardy biennials, Pansies are beautiful little additions to containers, hanging baskets and borders and with a little care and careful selection it is possible to have pansies in flower all year round.

For a mass of fabulous colour try Pansies ‘Bright and Beautiful’ or for delicate pink and white shades ‘Pansy Colossus Neon Violet’ is ideal.

Sow seeds undercover between February and August in trays of Surestart Seed & Cutting Compost. Try to ensure an even temperature of 10-15c (50-60f), as higher temperatures can inhibit germination. Pot on small plants once established and gradually acclimatise to outside conditions over 2-3 weeks.

Flowering times will depend upon when sowings are made. To prolong flowering remove deadheads and feed regularly with a liquid plant food such as Nutri All Purpose Plant Food.