Plant edible hanging baskets
Plant edible hanging baskets for a delicious twist on the usual fare of begonias and busy lizzies. A basket packed with a well-chosen mix of tumbling tomatoes and herbs, or smothered in strawberries or chillies makes a display every bit as fragrant and colourful as bedding – and much more tasty! Choose about 8-10 of our ready-grown vegetable plug plants [...]
Sow little and often
Sow little and often to iron out the boom-and-bust patterns of veg gardening, when one moment you've got nothing to eat and the next, 20 lettuces are ready to eat at once. Harvest them all and you're back to square one, having to wait a month or so before the next crop is ready. Successional sowing, as it's known, avoids [...]
March plants of the month
The plants of the month for March are pansies and violas, a lovely, cheery group of plants that never fails to put a smile on a gardener's face. The two flowers are closely related, and we're often asked what the difference is. Well: it's mainly in flower size. Pansies tend to be larger and come in brighter colours, including bicoloured [...]
Jobs for March
You won't know where to start this month what with seeds to sow, plants to plant and the glory of spring's first flush to distract you. It's a great month to be outside! General tasks: Tackle slugs before they do serious damage, surrounding vulnerable new shoots and plants like delphiniums and hostas with rings of sharp grit. Tackle troublesome lawn [...]